Hello, I’m sure you’re here to inquire about booking a session with us. You are in the right place but unfortunately we have temporarily lost access to our instagram so please reach out to us through our back up page if you need to communicate.
>>>>>>>>>>>BACK UP PAGE<<<<<<<<<<<<
My account is NOT hacked.

To make a long story short, my phone was stuck on bootloop for hours so I was forced to factory reset little did I know there was no backup on my phone so I had to restart from scratch.
I currently do not have access my account ShotByKennnn and my personal account. they have NOT been hacked. They are perfectly fine. I just don’t have access so for my clients who have been Dming me I do apologize for the inconvenience.
My account it’s NOT hacked.
I do however still have access to everything else including my email, and website so I can still see when people submit forms and then reach out through email and phone.
I do appreciate the continued support and referrals and we will do our best to reach out to everybody who has inquired. For the time being all communication will be done through either this account or SMS. And very soon we will be moving to a platform that is Email and SMS only. So please if you are trying to book do NOT DM fill out the form and I will reach out to you directly.
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